Missing Packages
Missing items are often found within 2 days of expected delivery. If your order status is showing as delivered but you haven’t received your package yet, follow these steps:
1) Confirm your shipping address.
2) Check outside or around other entrances of your home. To protect the package from weather or theft, the driver might’ve left it in another safe place. This could be the front porch, bushes, garage area, side door, back porch, or under a grill.
3) Check with others at your address or with neighbors. They might have accepted the package for you or might be temporarily holding it to protect it from weather or theft.
4) Give it a little more time. Some carriers will scan items as delivered prior to arrival. We suggest waiting 2 days to account for this. Thank you for your patience!
If it has already been 2 days and your package is still missing, you can:
Contact the Carrier
- Use your tracking number to start a claim with the carrier (FedEx, UPS, etc.).